This is a great choice for a small family or a group of friends. We can do all the cooking and take care of the livestock so that all you have to do is what pleases you. Some people enjoy fishing, hiking, or even just hanging out and relaxing in beautiful country. Our operating area includes many remote high country lakes and rugged, scenic, mountain trails within the McCall, Idaho area. These types of trips are able to be customized to your liking.
We can do everything from overnight trips to progressive trips where you are in a new spot each day or every other day.
In the past we have enjoyed trips with father and sons, husbands and wives, and groups of friends. Typically we limit the group to 4 people, but with notice we may be able to accommodate more.
In certain lakes fisherman have caught 18 to 24 inch Cutthroat although in general guys are catching Cutthroats 12 to 16 inches. The same goes for the Rainbows in the area. Some of the better fly fisherman have caught Bull trout up to 30 inches with an average size of 14 to 20 inches.
We can do everything from overnight trips to progressive trips where you are in a new spot each day or every other day.
In the past we have enjoyed trips with father and sons, husbands and wives, and groups of friends. Typically we limit the group to 4 people, but with notice we may be able to accommodate more.
This may be the most economical way to take advantage of our services, but does sometimes require physically demanding hikes on your part. Pack support is a great option for a group of Do-it-yourself type people looking to get away from it all, would like a few extras, but don’t want to carry an 80lb backpack. Basically we drop your gear where you want and you hike in.
Come make your reservation for an adventure in the Frank Church Wilderness area, Idaho.
Fill in the form below or contact us at 208-469-999
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